(Listen to audio version of me reading👆)
Every country that loses grip with reality, loses their morality, and unhinges from sound money goes through the same 7 stages of empire:
Sound money (gold and silver in constitution)
Layers of public works (new deal, great society, war on drugs, etc.)
Build up military (military industrial complex)
Put military to use (endless wars; Korean, Vietnam, Cold War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine)
Debase currency (Creation of the fed 1913 & Nixon shock 1971)
Loss of faith (dollar losing 99% of purchasing power, other countries won’t accept or buy US treasury bonds)
Currency crisis (transition from fiat to SDR/energy/commodity money backed by real things of value. Governments will try to go the SDR or Central Bank digital currency route. If you want freedom you must go the energy/commodity route via bitcoin or gold and silver)
For those that pay attention this can be a roadmap to your future and abundance en masse.
I believe in having a portion of your net worth in cash (10-30%) so you can be nimble but remember you are paying through inflation to hold in cash.
Otherwise, you must be buying assets that will hedge or increase in purchasing power in contrast to the depreciating fiat paper dollar.
As Winston Churchill once said:
We have heard people talk regarding the fourth turning and that history doesn’t always repeat but it rhymes along with cliché after cliché.
However, we know human beings and nature are cyclical.
The earth circles around the sun.
The moon circles around the earth.
Nature has a tendency to ebb and flow and natures laws are perfect.
So too are the cycles of life.
They, not so ironically, coincide with one lifecycle of a human being.
Meaning that each generation tends to need to learn its own lessons.
However, if we use wealth cycles (which we’ve spoken about coined by Mike Maloney) where we can take the good, learn from others mistakes in the past, then we can exponentially increase our trajectory and the upside while limiting the downside.
This only happens if we move away from the three things plaguing humanity the most currently, in my opinion:
Intellectual laziness
Lack of confidence
Socialism and communism and fascism are all kissing cousins of each other. They aim to destroy one’s will and meaning to live.
They suck the life force out of you so that the state can control you and pull you around by the nose leading you wherever they want you to go.
Like the matrix, in pods sucking energy from your lifeless body.
I for one don’t subscribe to that bullshit.
I believe God put us here as His highest form of creation to do amazing things.
That is the challenge.
It’s to see through the clutter and the negativity and to be a better version of yourself every single day striving to make yourself better and in turn, making the world a better place.
Jessica and I try our best to teach the children that we want to “leave places better than we found them.”
This applies to all of life.
Use the cycles to your advantage. We are in or entering the seventh and final stage.
Your pension, your 401(k), or the goons on Wall Street, your political leaders, your boss or your company, or the group that you volunteer for are NOT going to save you.
No one cares about your well-being like you will.
How are you going to prepare?
Stay strong,
Ps. If you like these missives and research please share them with one person you know that would enjoy them….Or needs to hear something out of someone else’s mouth.
This is not advice. I am no expert and no guru. I am going off of what I witness from my 35 years of experience and study, period.